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Tips for Shopping at a Rome Supermarket
11 November 2017

One of the biggest benefits of renting a vacation home for your trip to Rome is the kitchen.

For big and small groups, the convenience of waking up in the morning and making yourself a bit of breakfast, or an full dinner at the end of an eventful day, the kitchen is a highly attractive amenity. With ROMAC, you’ll walk into a fully equipped kitchen with several of the staples, like sugar, salt, olive oil, and coffee to make a traditional Italian espresso. For everything else there are outdoor markets for fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, cheeses, dried pastas, etc. But if you’re looking for your favorite cereal, local milk, tea, or granola, you’ll need to make your way to the nearest supermarket.

Looking for the nearest supermarket? Each one of our Rome neighborhood guides provides the address and hours for the area supermarkets.

rome supermarket tips

Rome Supermarket Tips

Expect tighter spaces than you’re used to

In fact, the term “Supermarket” might not accurately describe what you’re used to at home. Forget expansive refrigerated sections, fields of fresh fruits and vegetables, and aisle among aisle of choices. Most supermarkets in the center 0f Rome fit in small shops that could have been anything before, from a blacksmith workshop to a stable to a leather shop. Aisles are tighter, and there may even be multiple levels to stock as much product as possible. Your choices will be limited, but chances are you’ll find the essentials that you’re looking for.

Visit the butcher/deli for fresh salumi and cheeses

Despite the small size of virtually every supermarket in Rome, you’ll still almost always find a corner with a butcher and/or deli with fresh meats, salumi (otherwise often translated as “cold cuts”) and cheeses. Despite being a commercial supermarket, these products are often sourced locally. Visit your nearby supermarket and pack yourself a picnic to enjoy outside in a piazza or the park!

Exact Change, Please!

If you’ve ever been to Rome before, you know the culture around paying for anything from a coffee to a tshirt in cash is that exact change is requested. It’s not uncommon for cashiers to even get insistent that you empty out your penny-purse in front of them to prove you don’t have the exact change. Today most, if not all, Rome supermarkets accept card – which is your best bet to avoid an aggressive cashier – but if you must pay in cash, bring your change with you!

Bring your own bags

Following what’s become nearly an international practice (fortunately!), eco-friendly compostable bags are available, but for a fee of €0.10 per bag, encouraging customers to bring their own bags from home.

rome supermarket

Need something specific?

While rome supermarkets will carry brands you’re used to seeing, you’ll find plenty of local or Italian brands that aren’t available back home. If you’re looking for something specific (marshmallows are a common question, or tomato soup, or microwave popcorn), you should be able to find all these kind of imports at Castroni. Castroni, specialized as a coffee roaster, is a unique kind of supermarket that stocks its shelves with often American-brand products. There are several stores in the center. You can find the store nearest you on the Castroni website.

Looking for a vacation rental in the center of Rome?

ROMAC manages over 40 vacation apartments in the center of Rome. With over 16 years experience welcoming guests from all over the world to Rome, ROMAC is one of the leading vacation rental management companies in the Eternal City. Whether you’re looking for a large accommodation for 14 guests, or an intimate apartment for 2, ROMAC has the perfect solution for you. Visit the ROMAC website for the best rates and use the filters to find the perfect vacation rental for your needs!

Have you done your shopping at a Rome supermarket? Share your experience in the comments below!

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