Soon it is time again: the Rome Marathon will bring together athletes, fans, and tourist from all over the country and the whole world. This year the Rome Marathon will take place on March 17th, 2013, starting at the Coliseum.
The track will then continue along some of the most important historic Monuments and sites of the city such as the Circus Maximus, the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls, the Castel Sant’Angelo, the Foro Italico, the Ara Pacis, the Piazza Venezia, the Spanish Steps and finally arrive at the finish line at the Roman Forum for a total of 42,195 km (26,219 miles).
As every year, the marathon includes not only moments in sport, but also those of solidarity, given that the event is also followed by several British, Canadian, and American non-profit associations that will be attending the race in the capital in order to raise funds for their respective charities. For the 2013 edition the Acea Maratona di Roma has, in fact, decided to honor those runners who decide to contribute a minimum of 200 Euros to one or more non-profit associations with a free race number.
Rome’s betting past remembers many famous names, starting from the early 20th century, even though the Rome Marathon as we know it today has seen its first edition in 1995. In addition to the institutional marathon there will be among other a similarly popular event, dedicated to the tourist and citizens that share a passion for running and for the City of Rome. We are talking about the marathon Romafun, better known as “La Stacittadina”, a non-competitive run of 4,7 km open to anyone, that will start on March 17th following the start of the Rome City Marathon, so at about 9.10 h.
In this non-competitive event also the participants’ friends on paws may take part, thanks to the wonderful initiative Stracanina. Already in its third edition, this event allows pet owners to compete together with their dogs. Last year has seen a registration of 580 dogs that have escorted their owners from via dei Fori Imperiali all the way to Colle Oppio.