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Until August, 30th the evenings are “Lungo il Tevere” in Rome
4 June 2014

Lungo il Tevere in Rome

Even this summer in Rome the evening entertainment is back, thanks to the event “Lungo il Tevere” (in English: Along Tevere), which will fill roman evenings until the 31st of August 2014.

Reaching its eleventh edition indeed, Lungo il Tevere Roma, is an appointment which really rouses the nightlife in Rome, and it has been created as a meeting place and time not only for citizens, but also for the many Italian and foreign tourists that every year come to the Eternal City for the holidays.

Lungo il Tevere in Rome

The main scope of the 2014 edition -started June, 12 – is to make citizens and tourists aware of this place in the open air which represents a concrete culture meeting point; as a matter of fact the event has a program rich in fixed appointments with art, creativity, culture and entertainment, which demonstrates the fact that Rome is much more than what people commonly know: Rome is life, Rome is folklore.

For what concerns art, this year’s novelty is the introduction of daily workshops in which Officine d’Arte will teach- for free- the techniques of freehand drawing with model, sculpture, photography and oil painting, thanks to the collaboration with professionals and art teachers and to the participations of international artists, like for example the young Spanish artist Borondo.

Along Tevere rivers there will be also some important music performances, with the events of Jazz Cafè and Fonclea, which will give its stage at bands’ disposal for cover concerts and live concerts; obviously there are also some areas dedicated to the comedy, with the students of the Accademia del Comico, and areas dedicated to the 70es retro style, as the area in the Vintage Cafè, which will be a tribute-space dedicated to the lovely 70es, with expositions of vinyl records, films and soap operas of that period, comics, books and picture cards collections.

But summer in Rome is not just music and art: the program schedules also events related to the world of fashion, shootings, videos and beauty contests. What are you waiting for? Check the events program and choose the Roman evening events you prefer!

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