Even this year and for the third time, after the successes of the previous editions, Colosseum by night tours are back, with new illumination and guided tours until January.
The real novelty in Colosseum by night tours– 2019 edition- is the lightning which will regard not only the basement part- in which the light system has been on even during the day for the visitors’ and the monument’s security and the extraordinary repairs on the building- but also in the upper part. On the surface the lightning will produce extremely fascinating light effects, which will enhance Flavio Amphitheatre, giving the visitors the special sensation of being in a magic place, which impresses most of all for the silence which characterize it, despite its central position in the chaotic traffic of the city.
The routes which characterize the third edition of this “Colosseum under the open sky” are two: the first one regards the guided tour to the Colosseum spaces at the surface, while the second one will regard the basements of the structure; in both cases, the guided tour comprehends the stop in the permanent expositions areas inside the Amphitheatre.

Enjoy the nightly tour of the Colosseum!
The introductive part will consist in the explanation of the architecture of the Amphitheatre and will be useful for the visitors, as it will help them in imagine how this arena used to be when it was rich in coverings an in marble furniture; really interesting is the explanation of the machinery which was used as a lift for people, animals and gladiators and connects the basements with the arena. The Ipogei (basement spaces) have been re-opened to public for two years and half, but are especially beautiful during by night visits: it will be without a doubt a unique experience-trying to imagine the fervor and the fear felt in the basements, where wild animals, gladiators and slaves used to get ready for their bloody games.
It is advisable to book the tours through the website of Pierreci, association which deals with the bookings for Colosseum by night tours, or calling the number 06.39967700. The ticket price is 24 euro (reduced price, 20 euro).